What is this site?
A dynamic map of all hacker/maker spaces and fablabs. There is already some maps out there, but you have to register. After a while the map wil be outdated, so for this map there are several 'live' sources used to be always up-to-date.
What sources are used?
There are tree main sources of data :
Every 1th of the month the temporary database and logfiles are removed and fill again from the sources.- SpaceApi directory
Read API directory and check every hackerspace json (if space is open or closed). Updated every hour. (Last update February 06 2025 13:32:49.)
- fablabs.oi FabLab list
Fablab should have status 'active'. Updated weekly. (Last update February 02 2025 00:17:31.)
- fablabs quebec FabLab list
Updated weekly. (Last update February 02 2025 00:17:33.)
- hackerspace.org semantic dataOnly added to map when space is active, has more then 1 member and site is online. Extra check if a wiki entry is als added by API or Fablab, if so remove wiki entry from map. (Duplicate = 2 entrys are less then 200m apart and name match for 45% or more) Updated weekly. (Last update February 02 2025 00:17:52.)
If a site couldn't load (http error etc.) it will retry in increasingly delays, first after 4 hours, then 1 day, 4 days, 8 days. If after 8 days the site still couldn't read it will be skipped till 1th of next month. Still don't see why your site is not included? Check our error log if we encountered some kind of error.
What are the meaning of the error codes ?
I use the following (internal) error codes :
- Error 0-99 => Curl errors
- Error 100-999 => HTTP errors
- Error 1000 => No valid json
- Error 1001 => Duplicate entry wiki/api/fablab data
- Error >2000 => SSL certificate errors, subtract 2000 to get original error no.
Can you update my entry?
I don't keep a database of your data, I update this every day/week/month from the mentioned datasources. If you want to see where I got your data from, click on your icon and select 'source'. That should bring you to the data source where you can view your data. Allow at least 24 hours to update on this map.
Can i help you?
Cool, thats nice of you. You could help me several ways :
- Buy me a drink at one of the events I visit (hackercampings in NL/DE or CCC congress).
- If an entry is invalid (e.g. hackerspace close) edit this at the source. You can easily find this to click on the icon and select 'source', this will redirect you straigt to source of the data. See also the 'Hackerspace Census' page.
- Contribute with your knowledge, sourcecode of this project can be found at Github